LEC Winter 2025: Week 1 - 59min game !?!?!
Hey Peeps!
Welcome to LEC Winter 2025 - let's pretend this isn't my first post of 2025 - happy 2025 btw! Let's also pretend I didn't miss most of yesterday's matches because I was trying to giga binge Xo Kitty on Netflix before anyone else could spoil the end for me - yes tiktok I'm looking at you currently. Anyways I don't wanna ramble too much because it's the first Sunday of LEC and there have been enough game pauses from what I saw of yesterday and today to have my bs covered. Right let's get into it!
SK Gaming vs Team Heretics
Full disclaimer, I clearly did not keep up with roster moves, like at all, because I saw the Jenax interview with Laure and all but screamed Jenax is back??? My housemates can confirm I did this quite loudly :) Anyways, pleasant surprise because Jenax is a player that sticks in my mind from when I would binge and cancel any and all plans for LEC, as I was typing this he was first blooded - I promise I wasn't cursing it!!!
Watching this match, all I could think was TH were in it to thrash the match as much as possible as fast as possible and damn do they work fast. Their scaling was really noticeable from the get-go and Kamiloo's almost perfect KDA was something - though I was wondering what happened to his glasses during his interview. That said, I love his honesty though that he has no idea how he ended up in LEC - I'm so here for this energy in 2025. But on the SK side, we can't talk about this match without talking about Loopy, he was putting in the WORK (play Ateez - Work) and as happy as I am for TH, it feels bad for Loopy who was really pushing as hard as possible.
SIDE NOTE - I'm so happy Patrik moved to Rogue - I've been following his journey since Excel and I'm so happy he's getting the chance to really and truly show off just what a talented player he is.
Side note to the side note - 59 min game and Noah / Jun saying we're doing this now is such a mood - that was an incredible match, 59min too??? The longest for any tier 1 league?? [said on broadcast] LEC has only just started and is already a banger
First to objectives - the new thing I can't remember the name of
Ok they said the name on broadcast so I now it for now - feats of strength - I will a thousand and ten percent not remember this. Even though I for sure will not remember the name of the damn things, I love this addition, it feels like such a good idea for claiming objectives early and I think it adds some new spice to the game which is of course important for the game on both a general level and an esports level.
Also just realised while researching this during a break, I will spelling it wrong. And saying it wrong too. It's 'feats' for some reason my brain said 'feet' - yes I know, please feel free to laugh I am wondering where my brain is at too. So any critique I was going to say has now gone out of the window along with my grasp of the English language.
Fnatic vs Vit
I won't even lie, when I saw the Fnatic line up ahead of the season - yes I did in fact see one set of roster developments, just one - I was so hyped. I mean how can you not be? Upset and Mikyx?? Together in the bot lane, whew that is going to produce some bangers I am sure. Razkork, Oscarinin and Humanoid staying makes me think at that (as the esports expert I'm not) there will be a strong foundation for this season to be built on. Especially with two very powerful players in bot. On a different note it's weird for me to be routing for a FNC win - yep I'm more of a player > org typa girl I'm sorry - especially as my first ever match was FNC's reverse sweep by TES at Worlds 2020 but how could I not support such a banger line up?
This matchup, was my first time watching the new iteration of FNC, and damn did they come in hot, their bot lane really said - see someone, hit keyboard, get k*lls. And I am here for this, this is why FNC and G2 are so iconic - aggressive to the point of devil may care. The early game felt so bad for Hyli though (take a shot every time Hyli d*es) - if very iconic Hyli. 8 to FNC and 1 to VIT feels very bad. Very very bad. NEVER freaking MIND 17 to 6 feels worse. That match was foregone conclusion...
And with that!
Right that's the first Sunday of the season out of the way - I'm headed for a lie down after all of that! It's way past my bedtime. See you same time next week :) or maybe earlier - who knows? I don't. At all. BYEEEEEE
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